"Web offset" printing system which is the ideal solution for high volume projects is another printing technique service of our company. Although the basic working principle is not very different from sheet offset machines, the greatest advantage of this printing technique is that the raw material is been put into machines as rolls and the printing speed is high with folded finishing. This advantage allows us to achieve economic and quality results in high quantity projects like book, magazine, insert, newspaper, catalogue etc. Our web offset department has a total of 4 printing machines with a daily printing capacity of 11 million frames/day.
Machinery Park
Model Number Of Number Of Date Of Type Cutting
Pages Color Production (cm)
MANROLAND 32 5* 2011 Commercial 62
- Lithomen
MANROLAND 32 4 2011 Commercial 58
- Euromen
MANROLAND 16 4 2010 Commercial 62
- Rotomen
TENSOR 48 4 2010 Semi 58
*For applying Fragrance Varnish (Scratch & Sniff).